Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lehi Round up days


Marlee was in the parade Friday night. Elisabeth was the only one to come, and she was on the opposite side of us, so we got NO pictures!! I was so upset! She was so good on the trailer all the way thru and as soon as we got off she was hungry. This is Saturday mornings parade, we literally rolled out of bed, threw some clothes on and came upstairs just in time to see the beginning. Which by the way I think is retarded!! We dont like cops, so why do they stick them and their annoying loud sirens at the beginning of all parades?? hmm?? I HATE that. All it does is make the babies cry and everyone cover their ears. DUMB! anyway this is Mar watching the parade, her favorite parts are the bands or anything with music.

David still cant take a normal picture.

One of the cute floats, we werent too big on taking pics of the floats this year.

A cute little bee guy

HA so the theme for the floats was If I could I would......and this one was go sky diving at age 92 or something like that and they have this cute little old lady :)

A mascot guy, David was jealous he didnt come shake his hand

Right after the parade we headed to the museum. Its free the whole week of Rodeo days. This is what we saw......

David being a dinosaur

David being a deer

David breaking into a safe

An uncut page of dollar bills

The first cash register used in the Lehi Co Op

Native American symbols

Arrow heads

Bow and Arrows, oh and the small thing in the bottom right corner is a brush. weird huh?

They had tons of these cases of guns

When we first walked in neither of us noticed this little guy, he scared the poop out of us when we did see him.

David and Marlee locked up

Marlee in shackles

Us in the teepee

I put this on facebook and said were home! but my little brother wrote back and said Navajos dont live in teepees they live in wigwhams so I cant say that now.

After this we went home and had breakfast, there was a small kid carnival at the park but we had no money so we didnt go. We took naps, then headed to my grandmas for a BBQ. My moms boyfriend threw the party, it was supposed to be a meet the new family (my older brothers in laws) but it turned into a hoe down redneck drinkin beer n spittin seeds typa party. They had old country blasted on the radio and a bucket of beer. SO not my family but Jimmy was throwing the party so he really showed what he is all about I guess. If you cant tell I dont get a long with him too well. The food wasnt cooked all the way so I guess I embarassed him by announcing the hamburgers were still pink. Oh well, I was hungry!
Then we dropped Marlee off at my aunts house to go to the Rodeo!! We went with Eric and his new girlfriend Hillary. She is awesome! We love going out with those two. I love going to the Rodeo!! When I was little my grandpa would work in the stands and sneak us hamburgers and pepsi. Hillary has all the pics of the Rodeo so when I get them from her I will post them.

Goodbye Gramma Cardon


My grandmother on my dads side passed away June 22. She had heart surgery the week before and just struggled to recover. The last time I saw her as herself was on Saturday at Vienas baby shower. She seemed to be at peace with what was to come, like she knew. I knew too. I tried to spend as much time with her as I could, I told her everything I needed to. I thought her death would have been easier to bear that way, I was wrong. I saw her after her surgery all plugged up to those machines breathing for her. She was so swollen I couldnt even recognize her. I saw her a few times in that week at the hospital, but didnt want to remember her that way so I didnt stay too long. My dad called me each morning to update me on her status, and when the day finally came I thought I was prepared for it. I almost didnt go to the hospital. Zack and Viena wanted to go so we all got in the car and headed down. We were 20 min late, she was already gone by the time we got there. The entire family was in the room, tears on everyones faces. I couldnt even look at her, just hugged my aunt Anita, then my grampa and made my way thru the room. After about 3 min my grampa said I gotta get out of here and left, that made my heart sink. It almost wasnt real.
The funeral was that Friday. There was a viewing Thrs night (which was also Daylons bday party) I actually made it on time to family prayer this time. I didnt with my grampas. I almost made it thru the funeral without bawling like a baby until my cousin sang a song called Grandmother, it goes like this

You give me a kiss. You give me a hug. You smile when you see me too. I wish every child in the whole wide world could have a grandmother like you.
You read me a book. You sing me a song. You whisper you love me too. I wish every child in the whold wide world could have a grandmother like you.
Ill try to be good. Ill do as I should. Ill whisper I love you too. I wish every child in the whole wide world could have a grandmother just like you.

I will miss her everyday, but I know she is where she wants to be. I know she is happy, and that is all I need to know.

Putting the flower on her grave.

My aunt Anita

First place baby is related to us

Her cascett

My brothers

My brothers and cousins carrying her.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tag from Madalyn

got tagged by a friend of mine to do this so here goes nothing :) (and if I tag you then you better do it..... or else..... jk lol)

8 Things I am passionate about:
1- Cuddle time with my hubby
2- Snuggle time with my baby
3- Marlees health
4- Constantly strengthening my marriage
5- Visiting family weekly
6- Leaving my house on weekends
7- Keeping in touch with old friends
8-Strengthening relationships with my brothers

8 words/phrases I often say
1- oh my gosh
2- Marlee moo tow (thanks star!!)
3- haha (i have to give david courtesy laughs a lot!)
4- freakin idiot!!
5- stupid
6- i love you a bushel and a peck
7- nu uh
8- Im hungry :)

8 Things I want to do before I die-
1- Go to the temple
2- Go back to school
3- Get my drivers licence back lol
4- Move into a house!
5- Learn about my heritage
6- Charity work in an orphanage
7- Get my parents (all of them including in laws) thru Great Life
8- I want to feel ready to go when it's my time to die. (too good not to steal from you)

8 Things I currently want or need
1- My drivers license!!!!!!
2- To get our car fixed
3- To fill my prescriptions
4- A new couch
5- A bigger apartment
6- A swing for Marlee
7- New contacts
8- A maid would be nice :)

8 People I tag
1-Maren since its time you blog again!
5- Haylee
6- Kristy

FILL IT OUT! Learn 49 things about your friends, and let them learn 49 things about you!

1. Do you like blue cheese? absolutely not!
2. Your Favorite Shoes? flip flops
3. Do you own a gun? nope
4. Your favorite song? it changes weekly. right now its falling slowly by the frames or lucky by jason maraz
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? depends on what I am there for
6. What do you think of hot dogs? nasty!!! but very rarely I will crave one
7. Favorite Christmas song? Christmas shoes
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water
9. Can you do push ups? prob not even half
10. Are you afraid of flying? just taking off and landing
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My wedding ring or the jewelry I just got that was my grammas
12. Favorite hobby? blogging? I dont really have a hobby
13. Animals: love them or hate them? LOVE them! but the small rodents and reptiles creep me out
14. Do you have ADD? no the complete opposite.
15. What do you hate about yourself? My acne and the extra baby fat
16. What is your middle name? Elizabeth
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: M neck really hurts, Marlee REALLY needs a bath, I want that ice cream in the freezer
18. What's your favorite number? 24
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? water, dr pepper, crystal light
20. Current worry right now? how are we going to get the car fixed?
21. Current hate right now? umm....nothing?
22. Favorite place to be? My grammas house
23. How did you bring in the New Year? I dont remember....oh yeah we walked to Arctic Circle for dinner, I got my first contraction and then Ryan came over and we played Apples to Apples all night and stayed up till 6 to get Mcdonalds breakfast
24. where would you like to go? Hawaii
25. Name three people who will complete this? one any time soon lol
26. Do you own slippers? 2 pairs
27. What shirt are you wearing? a tank top from Old Navy and a red Aeropostale hoodie
28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? never have
29. Can you whistle? not really
30. Favorite color? Green and orange
31. Would you be a pirate? no
32. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower, everything echoes too much
33. Favorite girl's name? Marlee,,,,duh
34. Favorite boy's name? I dont like any of them...for a baby I always wanted a Dakotah
35. What's in your pocket right now? dont have any right now
36. Last thing that made you laugh? Marlee glaring at David
37 . Best bed sheets as a child? all of us fought over the crayola crayon ones, they had every color and little swirls and the crayons had smiley faces on them and arms :) but I always got stuck with beauty and the beast ones :(
38. Worst injury you've ever had? either having Marlee or my lawn mower incident
39. How many TVs do you have in your house? 2
40. Who is your loudest friend? David? most of my friends are real quiet
41. How many dogs do you have? none :(
42. Does someone have a crush on you? I hope so
43. Favorite Book? I cant keep interested in books anymore
44. Partying hard or Laying low? Laying low!!
45. What is your favorite candy? Snickers
46. Favorite Sports team? The Jazz??
47.What were you doing 12 AM last night? driving home
48. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? which time? first time i guess was wow david is already home, next time was go back to sleep mar and final time was holy cow its already 1!?
49. If you are married, where did you meet your WIFE/HUSBAND? At a dance, I have told this story a bagillion times!!!