Sunday, November 22, 2009

Photo Shoot with Maren


This is the BEST picture of Marlee I will ever get!

Braxton Marlee and Jaiden

Braxton looks adorable!

Jaiden is the cutest!

I love her clueless face!

Thank you Maren! You have seriously got some talent! I am so in love with these pictures!! I just want more!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Drop Dead Julio


Daddy danced with her

Maybe she thought she would crowd surf?

She is their smallest fan!

While we stayed with Teresa, Darin has a friend who is in a band, and was playing that night. Tickets were only 6 dollars so we decided to go with. Darin ended up not feeling well so he stayed home. It was an adventure in itself just to find the place! In the middle of down town I swear we could have been mugged...and it was freezing. We finally found the place thanks to Teresa and her loudness and being able to ask random people where to go.
It was a cute little garage band type of place. There was a fire pit outside, a little ticket booth and the "garage" where the band performed. That is pretty much what it was. The size of maybe a 2 car garage with a window and a stage.
David danced around with Marlee for a few songs, she even got a shout out from the lead singer and he threw her a t-shirt. Mine now. Then I started to worry about it being too loud for her. So I bundled her up and we went outside. We could watch the band from the window and Marlee fell asleep while the concert ended. We just HAD to get pictures of her with was her first concert!
When Whitnee and Anna were her with us in the summer, Darin took Anna to one of the shows and she had a crush on the drummer. I made sure Teresa got a picture of him to show her :)

Weekend at Teresas

Marlee can now pull herself to standing, while Rocky was in his bouncer she decided he needed something to eat

and she thought it was pretty funny.

We spent last weekend up at Teresas house. 2 nights away from my big comfy bed was too much! We are used to staying overnight when we go since it is such a journey to get there we have to make it worth it! It was really nice to just be able to sit at their HOUSE and just hang out. We didnt have any plans so we were able to just talk and enjoy the company.
Daylon was "bored" the whole time and that got annoying real quick...but what can ya do? We played a game of Monopoly, we all thought Rain would be the one to be slow and bug us during the game....nope it was Daylon the bored one. Eventually we all quit but David claims he would have won.
We played a lot of cards too. Teresa made fajitas for dinner one of the nights and dang they were gooood!! The kids didnt like them luckily so we all got a ton. David and I bought pie for dessert but since the kids wouldnt eat the dinner we decided they didnt deserve dessert. Mom gave in and gave them all a tiny slice before bed. Not one of them finished it tho because David gets this nasty rasellberry something or another, its gross!
Fun weekend, but we can wait to do it again. I like coming home to my bed :)

Sniffles the Bear


We decided it was time for Marlee to make her very first Build-a-Bear! We got a gift certificate from the Navajo rug show to the Cheesecake Factory. While we waited for the huge line to be seated we walked around the mall.

David looks more excited than Marlee does. We picked out a little voice box that says "I love you"

Usually the kids will step on the paddle to stuff the bear, so we just sat her little bum on the paddle, she didnt like it after this.

She got to pick a heart and kiss it (well slobber on it) and stuff it in the bear. It was cute, she actually let it go like she knew what she was doing.

Bath time for the pair! I dont really know what the point of the tub in here is, maybe just for fun for the kids? Mar didnt like it too much.

We are ready to adopt!

She just found her new best friend!

It was cute when she went to bed that night I put Sniffles in the crib with her and when I came back to check on her she was cuddled up to him. We chose the name because it seems that since birth she has had a stuffy or runny nose. We just are not that creative either!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Marlee & Updates


More Marlee photos that dont belong in any specific they are on here just to be here so I dont have to risk losing them.
If you dont already know, my computer crashed recently taking with it all my pics of Marlee's entire existance. Steve is still working on getting them back, but just in case I am going to be blogging every week so I dont have to worry about losing pics again.
These are as far back as the photos go that are on my memory card right now, after this....nothing.

These are Marlee's first smiles

My acne is better now thank goodness!

nothing is more precious than baby feet!

I miss her wicked awesome hair!

first baby foods, thankfully she is not that messy anymore!

she loves kissing her daddy!

More updates:

*Marlee is 7 months old
*She is sitting up
*She has 2 bottom teeth
*She weighs almost 15 lbs
*She crawls on her knees now
*She pulls herself up to standing
*She will take steps when you hold her hands
*She had tubes put in her ears a few weeks ago, and I think she has yet another ear infection right now.
*She had another hair cut, this time leaving her to look like a boy

Other events not photographed

Jazz game with Teresa and Daylons Jr Jazz team.
Weekly trips to Marens house
The Goodman family and ours went to the Myan to eat, and to see Toy Story 1 and 2 in 3D
Lots of boutiques where Marlee got new headbands
A girls trip to Idaho with Maren, Linda and I (and babies)
Rains dance recital

I have decided recently to become more active in the church. I will be getting my Patriarchal blessing within the next few weeks, and moving on slowly to eventually get to the temple.

I cant think of any more at the is 2 in the am and I am ready for bed, so goodnight.

Mar and Lani growing up


I have a whole bunch of pictures of these two together that I cant fit into any other here they are!

Marlee looks like a monster next to her!

She liked to beat up on her poor little cousin

Stealing her mittens

naughty baby!

Lani is finally free of all air and machines!! Look at her grow!

Im pretty sure she was smiling at this stage of life

Lani now weighs almost 11 or 12 lbs i dont remember, she has her ears pierced. She laughs! They are starting her on baby foods and letting her spend time on the floor to build up her neck muscles and let her find her hands! She is getting so big and smart!