Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Weekend at Teresas

Marlee can now pull herself to standing, while Rocky was in his bouncer she decided he needed something to eat

and she thought it was pretty funny.

We spent last weekend up at Teresas house. 2 nights away from my big comfy bed was too much! We are used to staying overnight when we go since it is such a journey to get there we have to make it worth it! It was really nice to just be able to sit at their HOUSE and just hang out. We didnt have any plans so we were able to just talk and enjoy the company.
Daylon was "bored" the whole time and that got annoying real quick...but what can ya do? We played a game of Monopoly, we all thought Rain would be the one to be slow and bug us during the game....nope it was Daylon the bored one. Eventually we all quit but David claims he would have won.
We played a lot of cards too. Teresa made fajitas for dinner one of the nights and dang they were gooood!! The kids didnt like them luckily so we all got a ton. David and I bought pie for dessert but since the kids wouldnt eat the dinner we decided they didnt deserve dessert. Mom gave in and gave them all a tiny slice before bed. Not one of them finished it tho because David gets this nasty rasellberry something or another, its gross!
Fun weekend, but we can wait to do it again. I like coming home to my bed :)

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