Monday, March 8, 2010

Since we last posted.....


It has been a LOOOONG time since I have posted anything. Our camera broke and I just couldnt bring myself to post without any pictures. SO to catch up on things, Christmas was small, but amazing! Since we didnt think we were going to be able to afford anything at all! We were surprised with some money to spend on Marlee. She got her blocks and penguin, some cute outfits and her Christmas Dress.
The rest has gone by so fast I can hardly remember it all! For a few weeks we stayed at Aunt Teresas house while David and I worked temp jobs. Marlee had a lot of fun with her cousins, Teresa may have some pics of that.
We moved to Orem! David and I are both working at a food storage company called Shelf Reliance. We get family discounts ;)
Taxes were done and with the extra money after bills I got a new camera!! Time to start blogging!

Mar updates:

She now has 4 teeth on top and 3 on bottom
She will stand up with out leaning or holding onto things
She is a speed racer crawler
She sleeps in her crib in her OWN ROOM every night all the way thru
She would rather eat real food than her baby food
Sippy cups are finally being used

Oh and she is almost 1 YEAR OLD!!!

1 comment:

Madalyn said...

That is so awesome! It's such a nice break when they start sleeping through the night!