Monday, November 9, 2009

Marlee & Updates


More Marlee photos that dont belong in any specific they are on here just to be here so I dont have to risk losing them.
If you dont already know, my computer crashed recently taking with it all my pics of Marlee's entire existance. Steve is still working on getting them back, but just in case I am going to be blogging every week so I dont have to worry about losing pics again.
These are as far back as the photos go that are on my memory card right now, after this....nothing.

These are Marlee's first smiles

My acne is better now thank goodness!

nothing is more precious than baby feet!

I miss her wicked awesome hair!

first baby foods, thankfully she is not that messy anymore!

she loves kissing her daddy!

More updates:

*Marlee is 7 months old
*She is sitting up
*She has 2 bottom teeth
*She weighs almost 15 lbs
*She crawls on her knees now
*She pulls herself up to standing
*She will take steps when you hold her hands
*She had tubes put in her ears a few weeks ago, and I think she has yet another ear infection right now.
*She had another hair cut, this time leaving her to look like a boy

Other events not photographed

Jazz game with Teresa and Daylons Jr Jazz team.
Weekly trips to Marens house
The Goodman family and ours went to the Myan to eat, and to see Toy Story 1 and 2 in 3D
Lots of boutiques where Marlee got new headbands
A girls trip to Idaho with Maren, Linda and I (and babies)
Rains dance recital

I have decided recently to become more active in the church. I will be getting my Patriarchal blessing within the next few weeks, and moving on slowly to eventually get to the temple.

I cant think of any more at the is 2 in the am and I am ready for bed, so goodnight.


Madalyn said...

O I hope you can get all your pic's back from that stupid computer! Our truck got broke into last December and our video recorder was stolen and now I don't have any video of Drake in the hospital or at home hanging out! :(

The Not-a-hoes said...

oh man...i WANT a video recorder, our camera does it...but it picks up all the background noise more than what I am actually recording....ugh technology